If you are about to commence any major project, the most difficult aspect is often the beginning—simply getting started. Here are two examples:
- When it comes to a house renovation project, getting all of the details and facts and materials together first is usually what keeps the project from starting.
- When it comes to exercise or diet, the same phenomenon exists, as just starting it is the difficulty.
That luxury—the luxury of relaxed planning—is not always available to parents. Once a baby is born, ready or not, parenting must begin! That is why it is so important that parents take the time to consider what they want to apply in their new role.
God’s Word has much to say about living lives that are pleasing to Him! In contrast, however, there are not so many specific verses that apply to this parenting role. Therefore your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and motivation to follow those principles which are in His Word, are what will help you be the right type of parent, no matter what the circumstance!
How have you found that you were able to best establish your biblical priorities in parenting?
- And how have you managed to maintain or keep those same priorities? Share one or two short examples from your experience.
- Join the conversation; I’d love to hear from you!