We are all given opportunities to choose, whether it be what type of ice cream flavor we might desire for desert, or whether we obey the laws of the land. And, based on those choices, we all experience the consequences from those choices. If we choose our favorite flavor of ice cream, then we thoroughly enjoy that dessert, but if we don’t make a favorite selection, then we are stuck with either the consequence of no ice cream, or a flavor we don’t like.
When it comes to choosing to do right or wrong, the choice for doing right brings a reward or blessing, while the choice to do wrong brings judgment or discipline. Many times people wonder why they end up with unfulfilled expectations, and yet they continue to shirk God and His law and His way. They are simply experiencing their consequences based on their choices. Too often, people think consequences are bad—yet they are simply from God’s Word. The principle remains: “You reap what you sow” (see Galatians 6:7). Doing right brings God’s blessing!
The reward for seeking God is finding Him! Seek Him, and you’ll be rewarded by finding Him. Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, made this point powerfully in his book—see 29:13. By not seeking Him, the consequence is such that you won’t find Him, and in turn, you will live and experience matters accordingly.
- What steps are you taking to taking, or do you need to take, to calibrate your lifestyle and values with Scripture?
- What steps are you taking to continue to “put off the old and put on the new”?
- Suggest two or three things you may intentionally do to demonstrate these priorities to your children. What is the most challenging aspect of this?
- Join the conversation; I’d love to hear from you!